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High-Performance Culture: How To Improve Efficiency of International Teams Without Hiring New Talent

Many managers believe that recruiting the most brilliant talent is the key to success but what really drives organisational and team success is a strong, cohesive culture. 

Making a whole team gel and own the outcomes of their work requires thoughtful support that takes into account the potential of everyone you have in your team. You don’t need to have a team full of stars, or a single high performer, if you make sure you are making the most of the potential of the people you are working with. 

So, as a global team leader, are you harnessing the full potential of your team's cognitive diversity? 


Team Culture and Dynamics Sculpt Success, Not Individual Brilliance

Your global team operates in a volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous and hyper-connected (VUCAH) environment where they need to think globally and act locally. Their operational areas constantly grapple with changing environmental, social, political, economic, and business demands. They must navigate through this div...

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Why CQ is more important for global team managers than IQ or EQ.

There was a time when we thought that a high IQ, our ability to solve problems and use logic, was the main characteristic of all successful leaders and managers. 

Then, through working with a number of leaders with high IQs, we learned about the importance of emotional intelligence (EQ) - our ability to understand and manage our own emotions, as well as respond appropriately to the emotions of others. 

Emotional intelligence is crucial: many studies have uncovered that, more than average, the most successful leaders have a high IQ and EQ. The combination of excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to establish and maintain relationships with your team, clients, colleagues, and stakeholders, goes hand in hand with success. 

But here’s the issue: emotional intelligence is highly dependent on understanding the social rules of the game and reacting to others’ cues. It needs to be upgraded as the acceptable rules, cues and behaviour change worldwide. That’s why working with peopl...

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Empowering Your Team: Essential Tips for Managing Intercultural Hires

We Interviewed Valentyna To Learn How Ukrainian New Hires Feel


Integrating into a new country, job, and team when you are used to different game rules in society and the workplace is a challenge employers rarely have tools to help with. However, good integration support can make all the difference for Ukrainian workers facing change and inevitable difficulties in all aspects of their new lives abroad. 

But how do you know what to do? 

Most new hires won’t come out and tell you what they need, let alone what’s on their mind. 

In this interview below, you’ll get first-hand insight from Valentyna, a skilled professional working for a Finnish shoe production company who arrived from Ukraine during the current crisis. It’s your turn to be a fly on the wall and learn how to understand, support and build your new workforce to their full potential. 

Read on to learn what all HR and managers working with diverse teams should take away from her thoughts. These tips will be benefici...

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Inside the minds of Ukrainian workers


We Interviewed Lisa Who Works For A Staffing Company Assisting With Hiring And Supporting Ukrainians

Lisa, with Ukrainian roots, is an agent of a staffing company that assists Finnish companies in hiring and supporting Ukrainian job seekers who typically hold a temporary asylum status. She has a unique opportunity to see and hear the things employees would not know how to communicate to HR or managers, or would not want to. 

We had the opportunity to interview Lisa and gain inside information about the thinking and fears of Ukrainian job seekers who have come to Europe seeking asylum and employment opportunities.

Her role is multifaceted and involves a range of responsibilities from communicating with Ukrainian refugees to determine their qualifications and suitability for specific roles. Lisa also works closely with employers, facilitating the organization of training and internships for Ukrainian refugees, as well as assisting in their preparation for work.


What are ...

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