Leveraging Cognitive Skills for Team Success: Analytical and Creative Thinking

When conversations about the need for better analytical and creative thinking in your team evolve, the predominant thought that emerges for you as a manager can be, "Who could best bring these skills to the table?'" 

Instead of looking outward for fresh faces with better thinking skills, turning inward to nurture the critical thinking and problem-solving abilities of your existing team can yield significant rewards. Like any professional skill, cognitive skills can be nurtured and developed. Prioritising creating an environment that fosters the development of each member's analytical and creative capacities is essential.

A recent survey by the World Economic Forum highlights the paramount importance of cognitive skills. In the Future of Jobs Report 2023, analytical thinking and creative thinking topped the list of skills judged to be of the most significant importance to workers right now. They are also at the top of the list of skills needed in the future between now and the...

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Problem solving strategies for international teams: from poor or mediocre to real value

There is no sugar coating it. You can have talented individuals from diverse backgrounds who try their best to collaborate and fulfill their individual and collective goals. But during problem solving they stumble over biases, cultural misunderstandings, lack of critical thinking and ineffective approaches. As the challenges take longer to overcome and misunderstandings occur, you start noticing frustration. Is this the type of inefficiency that your international team currently runs into?

As a manager, you know that the implications and cost of not addressing these challenges can be profound. You have seen the missed project deadlines due to unresolved internal disputes, a dip in team morale because certain voices feel unheard, or even the loss of team members who feel their unique perspectives are not valued. 

So, it isn't merely about the team’s problem-solving ability when applied to some specific case. It’s about your team’s overall productivity and the...

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